Truth Contest “Fraud” Deceptive and a Lie!

If you have found this there is a “reason”.

Dearest soul, You are seeking truth, I am writing this because I am your brother, you are my brother, my sister, be not deceived, I ask nothing of you, not even  more than these simple paragraphs to read.

Know only this and know whether or not my “Truth” exceeds the so called “Truth Contest”.

First of all, there IS NO CONTEST, just as the site is not owned or operated by some “college students”.

Second, if you think this person knows “Truth” read below and see what this demented person has to say about the Truth, the True Prophets, and the messages of the Beatles. It is pretty sad, pathetic, and scarey.

I give freely and say “be careful of wolves in sheep’s clothing” this “Truth Contest is not only a fraud, it is detrimental to the “Truth Message”.

This simple blog is not created to make things complicated.

Trying to live an honest decent life trying to find “Truth” in this convoluted deceptive world is difficult enough without people and posers like “The Truth Contest” trying to deceive and brainwash people into something they are not, and then ask for money, of better yet instill fear and superiority over others “Truth” and make false claims, copy and paste others “Truths” and play upon peoples gullibility and innocence.

They state; We cannot think of a better way to find, check, and spread the ultimate truth than an internet contest. Everyone can be a judge. Everyone can make an entry or a comment. We are not trying to make money, and we have no agenda except to find and spread the truth about life and death.

They lie. He does ask for money. Read, follow through and watch the follow up letter that arrives asking for money.

10 percent of your income and 30 minutes  a day posting this gibberish on youtube videos.

This is no contest and they do not review “Other Truths” there are several postings on the internet about people who submitted their “Truths” to never have been considered.

This is ONE PERSON posting the truths, and he is a liar.

The person here who addresses himself as several different people, posted this site stating that “This Truth” and pages is in fact the “chosen” truth submitted by people, when in fact nothing has been selected and never will be, because this person is after your money.

Not just money, but your devotion ( 30 minutes a day to post “His” Truth everywhere> as that is how YOU found this site, isn’t it?) and …..tithe your money that is 1/10 of your income like a church, only this person doesn’t say he is using it for charity, he simply sends you an e-mail saying unless you are doing this, you are living a lie, and will perish.

You only need to read this to know this is a scarey Truth!

The psychobabble about the Beatles and how the Beatle Songs should be played over and over again should also frighten the hell out of you, as this is what Charles Manson had his followers doing.

This is what Mr. says about the Beatles….. check the link below these see for yourself.

The Beatles: They were not just musicians; they were prophets. 

Hidden messages: To hear the hidden messages in the Beatles’ music, you do not have to play the songs backwards instead of their songs being sung to a girl somewhere, you hear them as being sung to you personally.  From the perspective of a teenage girl, you hear a silly love song. From the perspective of a truth seeker, you will hear a love song also, only its spiritual love, divine love. Other bands are just singing love songs to a girl somewhere, but in hindsight, we now know that the Beatles were into something bigger; they were prophets.

John Lennon says, “Half of what I say is meaningless, but I say it just to reach you.” This clearly means that half of what they say is meaningful, and the rest is just there to reach us.

When they say “you,” they mean you. They use metaphors like religious books do.

Second coming: They are coming back, but not as the cute mop tops we saw the first time. This time, we will see them for the prophets they really were and hear the spiritual and truth side of their music. It will change the world again.

The song “I Want to Be Your Man” is literally saying “They want to be your mind.” It is the spirit talking.


Also, take a look on youtube videos created by this person, type “Truth Contest” on youtube; look at the comments that disagree with him, and then look at people who “fight back” in “support”. They are “fake” simply click their actual youtube channel and you will see the actual “PERSON” who is fabricating all this, and see what they watch in their “channel”; they watch vile videos, and have all the “Truth” videos, posted as their “favorites” Yikes! This person is dangerous!

This is an example

Why did you stop reading? You’re definition of prophet must be confused. The book never claims that they were supernatural in anyway. It simply says that they were very inspired people, and many of their lyrics had truth in them. I mean you can’t deny that they had an effect on people unlike anyone else. I don’t really see why you were so opposed to that. I suggest you go back with a more open mind and try to read it again. I’m not saying it’s all fact, but you should consider what it says.

There are so many contradictions in this so called “Truth” one does not know where to begin.

Such as “Don’t trust me, go research it for yourself”. So later he says in his following e-mails ” This is the only truth you ever need to know, you do not need to ever read another book, simply keep coming back to this one and read it over and over again, this is all you will ever need.

The language in the postings and so called truth is also repulsive, for anyone claiming “Truth” does not speak this way, of slang and such.

Dear Soul; If you want to find truth;  remember no teacher of “Truth” asks for money, Jesus never did, nor did Gandhi, or any great men of truth.

If you are sincere and want to know more and who I AM, then contact me here or make a comment, I can guide you on the “true” path to “Truth”.


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One thought on “Truth Contest “Fraud” Deceptive and a Lie!

  1. Everthing said true man! Evolution not proven true! Immortality not proven true but the site claims its truth. Beatles are potraide as people to be warshiped

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